Individual Counseling

Have you experienced very difficult events in your life that seem to stay with you? Do you notice that you have been more anxious or depressed? Do you notice that your relationships have become more strained?

Trauma is a life event that is deeply disturbing or distressing and we have trouble overcoming the event.  It is individually defined because what may be traumatic for one person may not be for another.

What does Trauma look like for you?

Trauma also looks different for everyone, however, some of the more common symptoms can be increased anxiety, trouble sleeping, increased irritability, low motivation, depression, lack of trust, panic attacks, substance use, and overwhelming guilt and/or shame.  Sometimes we become disconnected from our loved ones and it can become difficult to trust others. We all experience trauma and we express that hurt in many different ways. It can be defeating for people to feel this way day in and day out, but with proper care you can overcome the trauma that you have endured.  You don’t have to suffer and trauma counseling can help you achieve the happiness you deserve.  Trauma can result in a person developing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or it can be more acute.  Trauma can be resolved with the right treatment methods, and a big part of that is understanding what has happened to you and what you will respond to best.  Trauma therapy can bring about a sense of hope and you can have a feeling of trust and safety.

Depression & Trauma

Trauma-related depression is a profound and complex condition that often arises in the aftermath of distressing or traumatic experiences. Whether stemming from childhood abuse, a traumatic event, or ongoing stress, the effects of trauma can deeply impact one's emotional well-being, leading to symptoms of depression. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and numbness can persist long after the traumatic event has passed, making it difficult to find joy in daily life.

Anxiety & Trauma

Trauma-related anxiety can cast a long shadow over one's life, causing persistent feelings of fear, worry, and unease. Whether stemming from past experiences of abuse, violence, or other traumatic events, anxiety can become a constant companion, impacting daily functioning and overall well-being.

The aftermath of trauma can leave individuals hyper-vigilant, always on edge, and anticipating danger, even in seemingly safe situations. This heightened state of arousal can lead to a range of

anxiety symptoms, including panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, and avoidance behaviors.

Signs of Trauma

Understanding trauma entails recognizing a range of responses that can emerge following distressing events. Individuals might find themselves feeling emotionally distant or detached from others, experiencing heightened irritability or mood swings. Notably, conditions like PTSD can manifest as intrusive thoughts, difficulty concentrating, and persistent emotional numbness, often disrupting sleep patterns. Addressing these symptoms in trauma counseling is essential, as individuals navigate feelings of shock, confusion, guilt, and withdrawal, seeking pathways to healing and resilience.

Symptoms of trauma encompass a range of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses that individuals may experience following a distressing event. These manifestations often include:

  • Cognitive disruptions such as confusion and difficulty concentrating may arise.

  • Emotional responses like anger, irritability, and mood swings can become pronounced.

  • Anxiety, fear, and feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame may intensify.

  • Social withdrawal and a sense of disconnection from others may ensue.

  • Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emotional numbness may prevail.

  • Coping mechanisms such as substance abuse or the development of eating disorders might emerge.

How I Can Help:

You're not alone in this journey. As a trauma counseling specialist, my mission is to be along side you while we process and figure out the best treatment and way to tackle your depression and anxiety symptoms that stem from trauma.

First things first, if seeking therapy virtally or in-person, let's create a space where you can feel safe and supported. No judgment here, just a lot of empathy and understanding. We'll talk about your experiences, unraveling those tangled emotions together.

Through therapy we will create or learn what coping skills are best for your, sift through. the heavy stuff and take time to learn how it has shown up in your life, impacted your behaviors, and relationships.

Individual Therapy Services

  • Initial diagnostic interviews are 60 minutes long.

  • 30 minutes

    45 minutes

    60 minutes

  • All family sessions start at 60 minutes.

  • I offer family and individual therapy sessions in-person and online.