Tabletop Group Counseling

Have you thought about therapy but wanted a supportive group of people that understand what you are going through?

Group therapy offers support that envelops you with people that empathize with what you are experiencing because they are dealing with similar challenges.

What does Group Therapy look like?

Group therapy is an inclusive gather where people come together to talk about their feelings, experiences, and struggles. It's like a safe space where everyone listens, shares, and supports each other.

Group therapy is that it's not just about you and the therapist – it's about everyone in the group. You get to hear different perspectives, learn from others, and realize you're not alone in what you're going through.

When you open up in a group, something powerful happens. You start to feel understood, validated, and maybe even a little lighter. Plus, you get to practice expressing yourself in a supportive environment, which can boost your confidence and social skills.

Group therapy is all about connection, understanding, and growth. It's a place where you can find comfort, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. It is also where you process thoughts, emotions, your human experience, and practice the skills you learn along the way.

Group Therapy: Tabletop Roleplaying

The Tabletop Roleplaying Group that is offered is a unique take on group therapy. It utilizes the tabletop role playing game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) to allow participants to play out a story using fantasy characters in a fantasy world. The role playing used in the groups can help participants with building confidence, increase problem solving skills, increase cooperation with their peers, increase frustration tolerance, build social skills and accept consequences from their interactions with the world they are playing in. It is an opportunity for participants to have fun while engaging in the therapy process in a different way.

Each participant will create a character to play throughout the story and they will encounter various challenges such as traps, mazes, monsters, interacting with each other, and interacting with other beings within the game. Everything within the game is determined by the group leader except the participant actions.

Tabletop Roleplaying Group

A consultation with the participant is required before admittance into the group. Groups are separated by age groups to allow for appropriate interactions. Groups are also considered closed groups which means that as soon as a group starts, no new participants will be able to join. This allows more comfort between each participant. Each participant (and parents) selected will be required to meet with the group leader for at least a half hour to explain basic group rules and to select a character.

Groups will be 2 hours in length and last for approximately 8-10 weeks. All supplies and snacks will be provided. Specific group rules will be discussed and agreed up during the very first group. Attendance to each group is strongly encouraged since it is based heavily on teamwork. Group cost will be $35 per group and unfortunately at this time insurance is not accepted.

The first group will establish group rules determined by participants as well as follow up on any questions. Groups can take place online via a virtual tabletop website to play the game and Zoom for communicating. If this needs to take place I will be asking everyone to create accounts on a website called and I will assist in walking through the basics as a group. If a group is done online, everyone will need to join online.

How Group Can Help:

Tabletop roleplaying can be a powerful tool in group therapy. It lets you explore different aspects of yourself in a safe and supportive environment. You can try out new ways of thinking, behaving, and interacting with others – all while having fun and being part of a team.

Plus, it's a great way to build connections with others in the group. You work together towards a common goal, problem-solve, and celebrate victories – just like in real life. And because it's all happening in a fantasy world, it can feel less intimidating than talking about your own struggles directly.

So, whether you're battling dragons or navigating social dynamics, tabletop roleplaying in group therapy is a unique and effective way to explore your inner world, build relationships, and grow as a person.